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During our in-service on Monday, we talked about an activity we’re bringing back into the classrooms. I would need a ball or something to toss for one particular part. The problem? All of my smaller soft balls are in our storage unit. Time to whip up a simple solution. I had a few left over quilting squares, and quickly stitched them into bean bags for my classroom. The decor in my classroom is soothing turquoise and green, with hints of purple and white, so this fabric is the perfect choice for matching my classroom.

Quick & Easy Bean Bags

Quick & Easy Bean Bags

How To:
Take two squares of fabric and face wrong sides together. Carefully stitch around outside, leaving a 2″ opening. Trim excess fabric from corners. Turn bean bag right side out. Fill with popcorn kernels, dried corn, rice, plastic beads or a combination of the filings. Starting with the opening, stitch around all four sides to close and create a finished edge. Now you’re ready to play.

This is so quick and easy, kids can make their own bean bags. There are tons of bean bag games you can make at home, hopscotch, hot potato, tic-tac-toe, toss game, and more!

What quick & easy solution have you come up with recently?