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Cheese danishes are delicious… shaped like pinwheels they’re beautiful and delicious.

Pinwheel Cheese Danish

Pinwheel Cheese Danish

Cheese Danish Ingredients:
1 batch of danish dough cut into squares (or puff pastry), 1 – 8oz. pkg. cream cheese, 1/2 Tbsp. lemon zest, 1/2 c. sugar, 1 Tbsp almond extract, 1/8 tsp. fresh ground sea salt, 1 egg, 1 Tbsp. water, additional sugar for sprinkling

Cheese Danish Directions:
Preheat oven to 375ºF. Beat together egg and water, set aside. Cream together cheese, sugar, zest, extract and salt. Keep chilled. Cut square from all 4 corner towards center, leaving middle of square in tack. Transfer squares to greased baking tray. Pull left side of each corner (or right side of each triangle) into middle and press down. Press dough down in middle to create a pocket and fill with cheese mixture. Brush egg mixtures over dough and lightly sprinkle with sugar. Bake for about 15 minutes (baking time and temperatures will really vary depending on type of dough you use). Serve warm or cold.

Go to this website to learn how to fold a pinwheel.

* You can mix 10x sugar and milk together to create an icing to drizzle over cooled danishes.

What is your favorite danish filling?